About Nursing Masters

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What We Offer

Best Master’s in Nursing Programs is committed to providing you with the rankings, reviews and facts you need to select the master’s degree program that will best help you meet your professional nursing goals. With the growing national demand for health care, nurses have more opportunities and more directions for professional advancement than ever before. We’ve got the information you need to explore career possibilities in advanced practice nursing, management, informatics, clinical trials research, administration and education.

Use our resources to check out nursing schools. Browse our rankings to compare degree programs. Find online and traditional programs, and discover more about both master’s and RN to MSN degrees. Explore potential careers open to professionals who hold the various nursing degrees. Stay up-to-date on happenings in the field of nursing with our blogroll and features. We even have tips to help you survive going back to nursing school. At Best Master’s in Nursing Programs, we want to help you find the information you need to make your professional dreams come true.

Some facts about career opportunities with a master’s degree in nursing:

  • Advanced practice registered nurses earned a median salary of close to $96,500 in 2012.
  • Experts predict that professional opportunities for advanced practice registered nurses will grow by an impressive 31 percent during the next decade.
  • Some 150,000 people worked as advanced practice registered nurses in 2012. If the experts’ predictions are correct, the health care field will add an addition 47,600 of these jobs by 2022.
  • More than 56,000 people worked as nurse instructors in 2012. Their median annual salary was nearly $66,000.
  • The nation’s roughly 5,500 nurse midwives earned a median salary of $92,000 in 2012.
  • Nurse anesthetists held nearly 35,000 jobs in 2012, earning a median salary of $151,000. If you do the math, that works out to nearly $73 an hour.
  • There were over 113,000 nurse practitioners in 2012. Their median salary for the year was $92,700.

Ready to explore the possibilities of earning your master’s degree in nursing? Visit our homepage at BestNursingMasters.com to learn more.

