What Type of Medical Research Jobs are Available With a Master's in Nursing?

Medical Research NurseThere are plenty of medical research jobs available with a Master’s in Nursing if you know where to look. If you have always dreamed of working in medical research and you are in the process of enrolling in a Master’s in Nursing degree program, it is important to know what types of jobs you can pursue once you hold that degree. Research jobs can be found in many different private and public settings and require several different levels of education and experience. Here are just some of the titles that you may be able to hold if you have your MSN.

Quality Research Management Through Healthcare Associations

You do not have to work directly for a university or hospital just to work in medical research. If you would like to work in a research capacity as a manager, your MSN degree will qualify you to work as a Quality Research Development Manager with a healthcare association. When you hold this title, you oversee the development of content published in the association’s publications. You will also collaborate with IT departments and clinical research departments to ensure that data is input in the systems properly and projects are flowing properly. Managers also work with research staff to come up with research strategies for the future.

Clinical Research Coordinators in Research Settings

If you want to be part of the advancement of modern medicine, you also have the option to become a clinical research coordinator. Your role will be to conduct the studies assigned within the guidelines of the state and federal government. You will need to manage the monthly budget, negotiate contracts, prepare for the study during the planning phase, screen subjects for the study, teach protocols to subjects, track subjects, process the lab work and complete case forms. If you want to be an integral part of the research team in a setting where studies are conducted, this may be the perfect role for you as an MSN.

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Medical Research Writer Who Prepares Publications

Research associates and scientists may record their findings, but in most cases these findings are all put together in a publication by a medical research writer. The writer must know the target audience they are writing for so that they can use terms that the reader can understanding based on the findings. If you hold this title, you will need solid writing skills and a great understanding of the field. You may be able to work for clinical-research organizations, the government, pharmaceutical companies, and medical-device manufacturers. No matter what setting you plan on working in, to be a competent medical research writer you will need to have a degree in nursing or life science, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

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There is a growing demand for nursing graduates and the demand is extremely high in underserved areas of the nation. If you would like to become a part of the solution, but you do not want to use your MSN degree to work in nursing education or leadership, there are different paths that you can take. You may be able to be a research manager, coordinator or even a medical writer if that is where your strengths lie. Be sure to review all of the medical research jobs available with a Master’s in Nursing so that you can decide which path to take.